Automobile chassis :- 

 BASIC STRUCTURE :- This is the unit on which built the reminder of the units are mounted to turn it . In to a power operated vehicle . It consist of frame , suspension system , axles, wheels and tires .

FRAME :- There are two distinct forms of construction .
1. The conventional pressed steel frame to which all the mechanical units are attached and on which the boy is superimposed.
2. The integral or frameless construction , in which the body structure is so designed as to combine the function of body and frame , the units normally attached to the frame being attached directly to the boy . Frameless construction is possible only in case of a closed car , since the roof , screen pillars , door pillars and rear panel are essential load taking parts of structure .

SUSPENSION SYSTEM :- Function of suspension system are 
1. To prevent the road shocks from being transmitted to the vehicle components .
2. To safeguard the occupants from road shocks .
3. To prevent the stability of the vehicle in pitching or rolling , while in motion there are two types of suspension system = 1. The conventional system , in which the spring are attached to a rid beam axle . 2. The independent system , in which there is no rigid axle beam and each wheel, is free to move vertically without any reaction on the other wheel .

AXLE :- The weight carrying portions of axles , whether it may be front or rear , may be considered as beam supported at the end , loaded at two intermediate points and subjected to following loads .
1. The vertical load at the spring centers due to which the weight of the vehicle .
2. A fore and aft load at the wheel center due to driving or braking we effort .
3. Torque reaction due to the drive or brakes .
4. A side thrust at the radius of the tyre due to centrifugal force when rounding a curve.

WHEELS :- Wire spoked wheels have been used mainly on sports cars, primarily on account of their light weight and quickness in changing the wheel . However the pressed steel wheel has displaced these all ordinary purpose . Such a wheel consist of a central flanged disc pressed in to a rolled section rim retained In position by welding . Light alloy wheel are currently used in case of luxury and sport cars .

POWER PLANT :- The power plant provides the motive power for all the various function which the vehicle or any part of it's, may be called upon to perform . The power plant generally consists of an internal combustion engine which may be either of spark ignition ,. Or of compression ignition type .

TRANSMISSION SYSTEM :- Function of transmission system are 
1. To disconnect the engine from the road wheels when desired .
2. To connect the engine to drive wheels without shock .
3. To vary the leverage between the engine and the driving wheels .
4. To reduce the speed permanently in a fixed ratio .
5. To turn drive through a right angle .
6. To make a provision such that the driving wheels may rotate at different speeds while taking turns .

CLUTCH :- It's purpose is to enable the driver to disconnect the drive from the road wheels instantaneously and to engage drive from the engine to the road wheels gradually while moving the vehicle from rest .

GEAR BOX :- The gear box transmission provides the necessary leverage variation between the engine and road wheels .

BEVEL PINION AND CROWN WHEEL :- They turn the drive through 90 and also provide a permanent reduction in speed . The permanent reduction is necessitated because of the fact that speed of engine has be maintained at optimum level at all times , yet a minimum value of torque has to be made available at the roads wheels . 

UNIVERSAL :-  They provide for the relative movement between the engine and the driving wheels due to flexing of road springs .

DIFFERENTIAL :- While taking turns , the driving wheels must run at different speeds . This is done with the help of differential . Instead of using the long propeller shafts and transmitted the power from engine to the rear .

Components name :- 

1. Frame 
2. Front wheel 
3. Rear wheel
4. Front axle
5. Rear Excel
6. Long grinder 
7. Cross member
8. Side member
9. Radiator 
10. Engine
11. Clutch 
12. Gear box
13. Propeller shaft
14. Differential 
15. Steering
16. Suspension 
17. Tyre
18. Fuel tank